Monday 6 June 2016

Feed back from rehearsals

Feed back after the run from pages 38 to 48.

  • Luther said that we all needed bigger physicality's, not to make it melodramatic, but more obvious.
  • The transitions when the boys take the girls away to speak privately need to e smoother. You need to move with purpose and know why you are moving. Especially rosaline and the prince, the prince is a smooth guy!
  • It's really obvious when people don't know the meaning of their lines. Once you understand, it affects the way you say your lines. If the actor knows, the story starts coming out, otherwise is really boring for the audience.
  • The actors who are on stage, but don't say anything for ages, need to continue acting. You can't just sit there, you have to react and stay alive and present in stage.
  • It is really really important that during the speeches, you really explain the story, certain words are highlighted. Make sure that you tell the story by picking out important words.
  • The girls laughing is really good and convincing.
  • It takes you out the world of the play when you look at an actor who is staring blankly into space.
  • Make sure you always have a reason to sit/stand/move.

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