Sunday 5 June 2016

Diary Entry by Katherine

Monday 6th May 1942 

Dear Diary,
Today we arrived at Oxford University. It is a beautiful city and the university is very grand. There are  lot of men here, but not a lot of woman scholars, so we stand out! The princesses had told us that we could expect the princess to be wonderful hosts, who would invite us into their living quarters, to stay in during our visit. However when we arrived, Boyet informed us that they intent to make us camp outside the university because of some ridiculous oath they've made, which means they can't be involved with women for the next three years whilst they study!! We were all outraged to hear that they intent to be such poor hosts. I was particularly annoyed because I am keen to get to know Dumaine better. I really like him and was hoping this trip would finally bring us together. I was tying to hide my feelings from the others, because I was embarrassed. But it would appear that Maria and Rosaline are also in love, so I don't feel as guilty as I did!! I was also happy to hear that Dumaine had talked to Boyet and was asking after me, which makes me think that he does not plan on sticking to his stupid oath and might actually try to court me whilst we are here. I hope he does! 
Anyway, I better get some sleep now because I need to be rested for the hunt tomorrow. 
Write soon. 

Thursday 9th May 1942

Dear Diary,
Today I received a love letter and a pair of gloves from Dumaine. I was most disappointed with the gloves because they're such an unromantic gift! I was very jealous of Maria who received a chain of very expensive pearls from Longaville! When I told the princesses, Rosaline and Maria they all laughed at the gloves. I also told them how ridiculously long my love letter is, it rambles on and on, never really getting to the point. Of course, I am pleased Dumaine has decided to break his oath and is now pursuing me, however I do find his attempts rather amusing.
I was very delighted at the princesses idea to swap gifts and attend the ball pretending to be each other. I swapped gift with Maria, so that Longavile danced with me and Maria danced with Dumaine. I thought it was very fun and we all laughed about it after. 
We are about to go and see the men now and hopefully we can have some fun, teasing them with what we did!
Write soon. 

Friday 10th May 1942

Dear Diary,
How sad I am, the King has died. The poor princesses had the message delivered to them, just as we were beginning to get on with the princess and their men. We had resolved our differences and they admitted that they had come to the masked ball disguised as Russians. We had all sat down to enjoy the play that the 9 worthies had prepared, when it was interuppted by the sad news. Naturally, the princesses felt that they must return to France at once to deal with his death, however the princess tried to convince them to stay, declaring their love. After much talk, it was decided that the princesses will mourn their father for a year and after that year they will return to the princess. Dumaine then came up to me and asked what I plan to do. I told him that I would stay with the princesses and when they return, I shall return with them. I am happy with this arrangement because if Dumaine waits a year for me, it will prove the strength of his love. 
I must go now, as we are travelling back to France today. I look forward to coming back next year. 

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