Sunday 24 April 2016

Rehearsals - week 2

Today we began by learning the dance routine that is going to go into our play. The dance is a 1940's style dance, which will fit with when we are setting play. We were taught the moves one by one, slowly putting them together. The moves are fairly simple, but look effective when we do them all in unison and keep in time to the music. The most difficult part is keeping up with the pace of the music, which is very fast! We need to keep practicing it so that we can eventually speed up and everyone can keep in time with each other and the music. I think that once we have it practiced it is going to look really effective. I think its important to have this dance scene in the play, because Shakespeare can sometimes confine the actor to less movement, so this will give the audience an opportunity to watch some creative physical work. Here is a video of a 1940's dance, which gives an idea of the music and style of our dance...

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